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Posting and Behavioral Guidelines


The Guidelines About Posting and Behavioral Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “these Guidelines”) cover rules that users must observe when posting content to Celsys services.

By posting to Celsys services, you confirm that you have read and understood these Guidelines.

Posting Guidelines

・ Users must only post content for which they own the relevant copyrights and intellectual property rights. Users must be aware of the intellectual property rights of content before posting it.

・ Please add content warnings for sensitive content as specified in the CELSYS Rating Standards (https://www.celsys.com/en/information/rating/). Sensitive content specified in the above CELSYS Rating Standards may not be posted to services which do not have a content rating feature.

・ Some types of content can only be posted by users who have been approved by Celsys through a separate screening system. Please follow the instructions provided by Celsys if applying for separate approval procedures.

Prohibited Content

The following content is prohibited on all of Celsys’ services.

・ Illegal content, or content that attempts to justify unlawful/illegal behavior.

・ Content that is prohibited by the Terms of Service and other policies, including expressions that encourage prohibited content.

・ Depictions of genitals or extreme sexual content.

・ Content related to child prostitution, child pornography or child abuse.

・ Content that disrespects, suppresses, or otherwise seeks to infringe on freedoms of religion, politics, race, beliefs, occupation, gender, or sex, or content which forces ideologies about or encourages conflict about such issues.

・ Links to other unrelated websites.

・ Offensive or upsetting content.

・ Content that does not align with the aims of the service.

Guidelines on Posted Content

・ Copyright owners retain the copyrights to content that they post.

・ Celsys reserves the right to refuse to publish or to delete content deemed to violate the terms of service and policies, or content otherwise deemed inappropriate by Celsys.

・ On Celsys services, information consists of posts, responses, edits and ratings made by multiple users. Examples include replies to questions, comments or reviews on content, and content created by multiple users. Deleting or editing parts of such content may alter the meaning or value of this information, which can cause difficulties for users. Users who post content retain the intellectual property rights to that content. However, Celsys reserves the right to not provide deletion or editing functions and to refuse requests for deletion or editing.

・ Celsys may process or replace user data by duplicating, resizing, localizing, translating, changing file sizes, changing color gradients or changing the file name or file format (extension) of posted content within the required scope (typically for display on lists and detail pages, notifications, recommendations, ranking pages, etc.) in order to provide the services to all users. Celsys will not use or alter user content beyond this required scope.

・ Celsys reserves the right to restrict the browsing, access, and use of some content in certain regions without prior notice, in consideration of the legal, social, and cultural conditions of each country and region.

User Responsibilities

・ Users shall provide sufficient and accurate information to post content.

・ Users that post content may use the services and functions provided by Celsys to update, delete and otherwise manage their posted content whenever necessary. Furthermore, users shall ensure that there are no mistakes, discrepancies, or defects in the data, settings, or submitted information of posted content. If a problem occurs, the user shall change, correct, repost or amend information when necessary.

・ Users who post content are obligated to respond in good faith to inquiries and complaints about their posted content.

Responding to Reports

Upon receiving a report, Celsys shall respond in the following ways.

・ If Celsys judges the reported content to be inappropriate, Celsys shall delete the content. The poster shall be warned and notified of the deletion.

・ If Celsys judges that there is no issue with the reported content, it shall not be deleted.

・ If it is difficult to judge the appropriateness of the content, the following steps shall be taken.

 (1) The poster of the content shall be notified, and Celsys shall wait for 7 days for a response.

 (2) Based on the response from the poster, Celsys will judge the appropriateness of the content and take relevant steps.


Q. Someone else has posted content that is very similar to my content. What should I do?

A. If content posted on this service appears to infringe on your rights, please contact us at Clip Studio Support. We will take the necessary steps in accordance with the above “Responding to Reports” section.

Q. If something isn’t prohibited in the terms of service or other policies, can I do it?

A. Celsys reserves the right to delete content or suspend accounts even if the posted content or actions are not explicitly prohibited under the terms of service or other policies if Celsys deems it necessary.

We request that all users abide by the terms of service and policies, and act appropriately with common sense to maintain a pleasant and reliable service for everyone.

Q. Will Celsys protect the copyrights of my posted content?

A. In principle, Celsys does not intervene in issues regarding copyright infringement. However, if content posted on this service appears to infringe on your rights, please contact us at Clip Studio Support. We will take the necessary steps in accordance with the above “Responding to Reports” section.

Q. If I download materials from Clip Studio ASSETS, can I use them in work for commercial use or in self-published magazines/fanzines?

A. In principle, materials downloaded or purchased from Clip Studio ASSETS can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. However, some materials have special conditions, similar to limited license materials. For more information, see the ASSETS Terms of Service and material information.

Q. If I download materials from Clip Studio ASSETS, can I use them worldwide?

A. You can publicly transmit, upload, distribute, transfer and lend work created using materials from Clip Studio ASSETS worldwide.

Q. Can I post materials made of materials included in Clip Studio Paint to Clip Studio Assets?

A. You may only post materials made entirely by you, so you cannot post such materials. However, you can post 3D drawing figure body shapes and poses, 3D head model configurations, and 3D primitives from the materials in Clip Studio Paint. Please check the Best Practices for Posting on Clip Studio Assets (https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/information/notice) before posting.

Q. Am I only allowed to post my own work? Can I post work made by others if I get permission from the creator? Can I use other users’ content if the creator has written “free for use”?

A. Currently, we only allow users to post content to which they own all copyrights. We believe that if a user does not own the copyrights to content, posting such content poses significant risks to our users.

Celsys does not permit users to post third-party content even with permission from the copyright holder.

This is for the following reasons:

・ If a copyright holder mistakenly states the scope of permission to use their material, they may no longer be able to assert their rights if their rights are infringed.

・ If a poster of third-party content misunderstands the scope of permission, the copyright owner may claim copyright infringement against them.

・ Users may be harmed by infringement of their copyrights.

However, generally speaking, we believe that it is a good thing for artists to share their copyrighted content with each other with mutual consent.

CELSYS will continue to consider methods to avoid risks related to copyright issues.

Please feel free to send any feedback or thoughts to us through Clip Studio Support.

Q. Can I add instructions such as “do not use in this type of work” or “please use in this way” to materials I publish on Clip Studio ASSETS?

A. No, you cannot (excluding limited license materials posted by Celsys). By publishing content on Clip Studio ASSETS, you consent to the posted material being used in any way and for any type of work. Materials may not be used in work that violates copyright law or is otherwise unlawful/illegal, but you may not specify other conditions or restrictions on usage. Please make sure you understand these rules before publishing your material on Clip Studio ASSETS.

Q. Can I add instructions such as “please add my name so that it is clear you are using my material” to materials I publish on Clip Studio ASSETS?

A. No, you cannot (excluding limited license materials posted by Celsys). When you publish materials on Clip Studio ASSETS, you cannot require that the copyright holders name is credited when the materials are used by others. This is because it may not be possible to display credit to the copyright holder in all cases depending on the nature of the material or way in which it is used. When publishing materials on Clip Studio ASSETS, please understand that posted materials may be used without credit of the name (or penname, etc.) of the copyright holder.

Q. Can I add instructions such as “do not process, modify or change this material” to materials I publish on Clip Studio ASSETS?

A. No, you cannot (excluding limited license materials posted by Celsys). Materials are available on Clip Studio ASSETS with the assumption that they will be processed, modified, or otherwise altered during use, so you cannot prohibit such actions for your published materials. When publishing materials, please be aware that your materials may be processed, modified or changed during their use.

Q. I want to delete my post but I cannot find the delete feature. Can I request for it to be deleted?

A. A delete feature is not provided on this service for posted material, so in principle material cannot be deleted or edited. For details, please refer to the relevant terms of service. Please contact our support team if you have mistakenly posted inappropriate content, or if you find other posted content that appears to be inappropriate. Celsys will assess the content and decide whether it should be deleted.

Q. I have found a user who is causing problems, what should I do?

A. If you are concerned about the actions of another user, please inform us by using the report function, or contact our support team. Celsys will judge the situation and take the appropriate action. Please refrain from directly cautioning or advising other users, as this may be interpreted as an attempt to disregard their rights or as a threat.

Q. My account was suspended. Can I undo this?

A. Please contact us Clip Studio Support for help with this issue.

Original Version: 2009/07/08

Last modified: 2024/07/30
